HGTV and Me

HGTV and Me

Have you ever seen a building collapse, or the opposite seen a building being built? We are fans of the show HGTV. It’s not just the beautiful décor, but the craftsmanship used to build and redo houses, that is so fascinating. Many of the houses are over a hundred years old and still standing. We have seen some houses that were not nearly as old but were falling apart. In most cases the new home construction is not as sturdy as the old home construction.

 Yet, we realized that we are much like these houses. Sometimes our bones make cracking sounds just like the creaking sounds on the steps. Yes, there is hope in our builder. Every day as long as we accept what Jesus said, we are being built by the Holy Spirit, our teacher. Listen to what Jesus said, “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” (John 14:26 NIV). Don’t forget our Advocate.

There are times when we are steady and other times when we need to be redone, yes repent. We don’t always listen, even though, the Holy Spirit is never wrong. It’s alright to be under construction because we need to continue to grow in God’s Word and strength.

As you look back over your life and realize that you are still standing. A little dinged up due to the storms in life, but just like that old house still standing. Remember to let the teacher in, do use your Biblical tools and obtain the knowledge sent in Jesus name. After all, He is always with us.

Blessings to you,

Pastors Willie McIntosh III and J. Rochelle McIntosh


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