Faithful Servant

Faithful servant

We’re starting a short series on Faithful Servant. This weeks blog is written by a good friend of ours Dee Kyalo-Mwanzia.

I recently read the story of five missionaries (Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Pete Fleming, Roger Youderian and Ed McCully), who were killed while evangelizing the Huaorani people of Ecuador. These five ministers of the Gospel joined Stephen and others in the line of martyrs.  The scriptures tell us that Stephen was one of the seven deacons chosen to distribute food to the widows in the Early Church. Note this: Stephen lived faithfully like Christ, preached the Old Testament like Christ, and eventually died like Christ.

Has it ever crossed your mind that sometimes Christlike living results in Christlike dying? Jim Elliot’s widow Elisabeth Elliot said, “There is nothing worth living for, unless it is worth dying for.”

Suppose there arises a question of what is the one thing that is worth giving up life for? Perhaps some might say my spouse, others might say my children, or my business, while others might shock you with their responses. It would be a rare treat, given the culture as it is today, to hear something like: “My faith in God or my salvation.”
Looking at Stephen in the book of Acts Chapters 6 and 7, we can categorize this deacon as a faithful servant. His life  gives us some insights in 3 areas on what it means to live and walk by faith as a faithful servant. God’s Grace, Times of adversity, and God’s Word. What does it mean to you to live or even to walk by faith?

Let us know in the comment section below.

About the writer
Dee is a wife, mother, blogger, writer and author of several books including Ark of the Covenant, Looking Up and Crushing Invisible Barriers. She and her husband are ministers with Life NOW Global Mission and have been serving in the leadership of All Nations Breakthrough Church (formerly Breakthrough Church) Kansas since 2003.

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