Living on Mission
Listen Our HeartVision family is based on a Missional Community. We find a definition for this in Wikipedia: A Missional
Listen Our HeartVision family is based on a Missional Community. We find a definition for this in Wikipedia: A Missional
Listen In our lives, there are certain individuals who stick with us in every situation, no matter how tough it
Listen In the early 2000s, Rev J. Rochelle McIntosh, served as an associate pastor with Senior Pastors Michael and Susan
Listen The Bible teaches us that we will need help along the way. Ecclesiastes 4:9 (KJV) “Two are better than one; because they
Listen Last week we talked about “Accepting Your Calling”. This week we are going to talk about what Apostle Paul
Listen First, Jesus met Simon and Andrew right where they were, fishing. The skills to be fishermen made them ready to understand