Remember Our Heroes

This is a photo I found of my father during WWII.  From what he told me this was most probably taken in 1945 on the Island of Okinawa.  His service company was stationed there.  Interestingly I think I can still find those overalls!

He joked once that he suffered from “shell shock”.  But he certainly had the advantage of a family that cared for him, and a community that nurtured him throughout his life.

Today however we have a significant number of our veterans who are struggling with PTSD.  Many of these veterans don’t have access to adequate help due to “Less Than Honorable” Discharges.

If you have a veteran in your life. Be there.  Just listen.  Just Love.

I read the story of one Vietnam veteran who struggled with addiction and his mom would simply fix him dinner everyday so that he could have something to eat until he recovered.

You can also educate yourself.  There is legislation to help our heroes get the help they deserve

HR Bill

You can also advocate and donate.  There are credible organizations that are making an impact.

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God is Enough

Listen The scripture Psalms 46:10-11, encourages us to pause, be silent, and