Now That You Believe

Now That You Believe

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. “There is no judgment against anyone who believes in him. But anyone who does not believe in him has already been judged for not believing in God’s one and only Son.” (John 3:16-18 NLT)

Hello HeartVision Family, we pray that God will continually fill your hearts with joy and peace. Last week we asked you to meditate with us on “how much God loves you.” We pray that just taking time to think of God’s love for you deepened your faith and gave you a broader look at God in your life.

Today, we are searching the second aspect of the powerful words in John 3:16-18 NLT. Remembering that God gave his Son Jesus for us, the Word simply states, “so that everyone who believes in him …” First, we must stop at the word “everyone.” Everyone includes the entire world! Stop and listen to what comes next. Feel this in your spirit. “Everyone who believes in him,” includes me. Do you believe in Jesus? Do you believe in God’s only Son that he gave his life for us? Romans 10:9-10 said, “If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved.” (Romans 10:9-10 NLT).

Belief, do you truly believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead? If the answer is yes, then you are truly saved! Jesus brought us back from that sinful state and through our belief we can reconcile with Him. Christians, “There is no judgment against anyone who believes in him. (John 18a NLT)” Belief opens the doorway to receive God’s gift of Grace. “God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God.” (Ephesians 2:8 NLT)

We ask that you take some time this week, in this season of reflection and sacrifice, and think on who you are in Jesus now that you believe!

Enjoy the song We Believe by the News Boys  while you meditate on God’s Word.


We love you

Pastors Willie and Rochelle McIntosh

Do you need Prayer? Reach out to us at [email protected]

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