Help Tornado Victims

Help Tornado victims

Please join with us as we pray for the families in Tennessee,  Kentucky, Arkansas, and Illinois that have suffered  huge losses due to the recent tornadoes. We recommend that you donate directly to the Red Cross to get much needed assistance to those families as quickly as possible. Here is a link to their site  Red Cross 

Thank you for your heart for the others and your faithful consideration of this cause. Galatians 6:2  “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ”. 

We love you,

The HeartVision Family

Do you need Prayer? Reach out to us at [email protected]

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  • Learn the Word by reading our weekly blog.
  • Request to join our zoom meetings at pastors@HeartVision as we study through the Bible and reach the community Sunday evenings at 6pm Eastern Standard Time.

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