Faithful in Adversity

Faithful in Adversity

Continuing in our series on Faithful servants. This week we take a look at what it means to be faithful in adversity…

Something else Stephen’s life seems to teach us is that God’s grace doesn’t exclude us from adversity. On the contrary, exercising God’s grace will at times attract adversity. An observation of the Early Church reveals to us that Satan is on the attack as the church grows. He tried to intimidate the apostles through the Sanhedrin. He tried the
imprisonment of the apostles through their command. Even beating/flogging. By the time Stephen finishes his defense against bogus charges, he will be put to death.

The devil probably thought that this had to be enough to halt the gospel movement. Stephen refused to be silent in the face of adversity. The truth he preached was a threat to his culture. Think about it. What exactly were the charges against Stephen? He simply taught that Jesus was the fulfillment of the law and the temple. Jesus died so the temple was destroyed hence no more need or use for it (temple) or sacrifice or bloodshed, no need for a priest to stand between God and man.

Jesus intercedes for us now. When Jesus died, the curtain was ripped so the wall between the court of the gentiles and the entry to the holy place was broken.For this message, Stephen would rather give up his life than be politically correct or quiet. In times of adversity, how faithful do you stand?

Let us know in the comments below

About the writer
Dee is a wife, mother, blogger, writer and author of several books including Ark of the Covenant, Looking Up and Crushing Invisible Barriers. She and her husband are ministers with Life NOW Global Mission and have been serving in the leadership of All Nations Breakthrough Church (formerly Breakthrough Church) Kansas since 2003.

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