Being Missional Minded

Being Missional Minded

At Heart Vision Church, we are Missional minded. We believe in intentionally spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe in being on mission daily in a manner that allows us to reach into the local community and continue international outreach by way of the internet. We give thanks to God for all that He has done.

Will you join us on this exciting Christian journey?  We meet on Sundays at 6pm in person and virtually when needed.

Being a Missional Community is more than just meeting on Sundays. Listen to the words of Michael Frost and Allen Hirsch as they describe a Missional Community and Missional Church in their book:  The Shaping of Things to Come: Innovation and Mission for the 21st Century, Hendrickson, 2003, 11-12.) “These characteristics of a missional church function equally well as characteristics of a missional lifestyle.

A missional lifestyle is not simply about ‘doing’ evangelism, not if evangelism is viewed as discrete activity. It is about viewing the whole life as mission: ordinary people doing ordinary things with gospel intentionality. Whether it is helping out a friend, a day at the office or going to the cinema, there is a commitment to building relationships, modeling the Christian faith and talking about the gospel as a natural part of conversation. Gospel intentionality is the mentality or habit in which, as we share lives, we look for opportunities to talk about Jesus, to encourage, to challenge, to pray, to praise.”

This is such a powerful description of true Missional Communities. It is a great thing to change from everything being inward to things more on the lines of an evangelist. The Gospel, the Gospel, the gospel in the hearts and minds of people. A reliable group of fellow Christians seeking the same outcome by placing Jesus first. A strong fellowship among the group. A deep seeking of the Word of God. It is a different kind of vision but steeped in the Holy Spirit. We are in prayer for you and please continue to pray for us as the Lord leads.

I’m Pastor Rochelle and I’m Pastor Willie, and we invite you to join HeartVision Church to live a life of mission and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We love you


On Mission Every Day. Join us

  • Learn the Word by reading our weekly blog.
  • Write a comment, join us on social media or zoom meeting on Sunday at 6pm ET (day subject to change).
  • Do you need Prayer? Have questions? We can be reached at [email protected]

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