A Friend That’s More Than A Friend

A Friend That’s More Than A Friend

In our lives, there are certain individuals who stick with us in every situation, no matter how tough it gets. These loyal friends are the ones we lean on, individuals who make personal sacrifices out of their love for us.

In the 17th chapter of Psalms, David is being pursued by his adversaries. Highly esteemed Bible teacher and pastor, Dr. J. Vernon McGee, highlights that David in this chapter turns to God as his personal savior. Psalms 17:6 (NIV) says, “I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer.”

 Where do you stand today? Are you seeking a personal savior? Do you crave a reliable friend who will stand by your side no matter what? Jesus is that friend. He made the ultimate sacrifice for us by dying on the cross, liberating us from our sins. If you open your heart to Jesus, He will be your closest friend, always available to you, regardless of circumstances.

A member of our HeartVision family recently reminded us of this beautiful song by Nicole C. Mullen titled “Call on Jesus”. https://youtu.be/m6wxwXn5gDU?si=e_v1BA4gLkhTKJco
Are you ready to put your trust in Him today?


We Love you

Pastors Willie and Rochelle McIntosh

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