Turbulent Winds

turbulent wind

Twelve years ago, we shared a blog post that’s still meaningful in today’s ever-changing world. It revolves around Matthew 14:22-33. Sometime back, while exploring the New Testament, I read a powerful scripture, “But seeing the wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, Lord save me! (Matthew 14:30 NASB).” This verse resonated with me, particularly the notion, “don’t look at the wind.” I’ve come to understand that life’s tribulations are often symbolized as “the wind.” 

Lately, we’ve encountered – health challenges, grief, and daily hurdles that weigh heavy on our hearts. We’ve seen the fight to just to make ends meet, job uncertainties, and the devastating aftermath of the wars taking place cross the globe. People are suffering. These hardships are the very essence of “the wind.” To look at any one of these things is enough to shake your faith. Yet, the enduring message that Jesus imparted to me was to “not focus on the wind.” 

Life is a rollercoaster of highs and lows. When everything seems boisterous, wild and stormy don’t look at “the wind”; We, who have faith that Jesus sacrificed for our sins and was resurrected, granting us everlasting life, find comfort in His presence. We can call on Jesus Himself. Psalms 121:1-2(KJV), “I will lift up my eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help, my help cometh from the Lord which made heaven and earth.” And He will help us. 

Life is full of uncertainties, that can make us forget that Jesus accompanies us through our hardships, but remember we’re not alone in this. So, let’s shift our focus from “the wind” to Jesus and know that it is His peace that keeps us going.


May peace be with you.

Pastors Willie and Rochelle McIntosh

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