The Second Scholarship From The EHMF

Elder Helen M. McNeil Memorial Scholarship

The deadline to apply for the Elder Helen McNeil Scholarship is fast approaching. Please share with all your kids, grandkids, nephews and nieces and any high school seniors that would benefit from this. Deadline is May 5th 2023. Click Here for the Application Link 

We are grateful and thankful for all of your contributions that have allowed us the opportunity to provide this scholarship, which ensures that we are continuing Elder Helen McNeil’s legacy of lifelong learning. It also allows us to continue to expand our educational outreach to the community by helping young people turn their dreams of getting an education into a reality.

Elder McNeil’s vision was clear and relevant: Education is the cornerstone to success in today’s world.  

Thanks again to all of the HeartVision family and friends whose generous donations, prayers, and love made this scholarship possible, Together we are preparing our next generation of leaders. May God continue to bless you.

We love you,

Pastors Willie McIntosh III and J. Rochelle McIntosh


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