The Protests

The Protest

The Protests

The raging winds are blowing
I can feel it in my soul
The slow bending arc of justice is reaching for her goal
We cannot let this movement lie
King Martin’s voice will surely die

The streets are full
My eyes they burn
The bullets fly
Is it my turn?

We cannot falter now
Stop and turn around
This time we’re going to win
It may take my mortal end

The winds of change are blowing
I can feel it in my soul
The slow bending arc of justice has finally reached her

The movement will not lie
Martin’s voice will not die

Defeated we are not
For victory took her shot

As we bow at Jesus feet
Our burdens he does reach

Our protest must be won
Sweet victory broke the gun

©By June Rochelle McIntosh


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Pastors Willie and Rochelle McIntosh

[email protected]





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