Takeaways from our Eight Week Study of the Book “Called Together” by Jonathan Dodson and Brad Watson.

The Missional Community is continuing to grow in understanding and committed to sharing the Gospel. We have completed the eight week study in the book “Called Together” by Jonathan Dodson and Brad Watson. We went deeply into what is the Gospel, and what does the Bible show as Community and do we live in Community. The Gospel foundation has been set and our hearts are open to daily being on mission for Christ. We had to look closely at the definition of the church and its mission. We are all accustomed to saying, “let’s go to church.”  We had to stop and ask, “Who is the church?”  According to the scriptures the followers of Christ are the church. We are to spread the Gospel and keep His commandments. We also read and discussed Matthew 28:18-20. We looked at how the great commission is both Evangelism and Discipleship. We are being sent to the lost and to develop the believer.

We concluded our study with the understanding that as Christians we are always on mission. The Missional Community is a group of people on Christ-Centered mission together by loving God, loving each other, and loving our neighbor.  

As a new living community, we are moving forward with our goals. We have become closer as a group by listening to each other’s stories and helping each other in life events. We know that signing up to intentionally spread the Gospel together makes us a target of the enemy, but we are standing in victory expecting to be a blessing. We are expecting to reach those in need of a savior, and people who need to come back to Christ. We appreciate you continuous support for the MC.

We are learning. We are helping each other. With the help of God we are meeting needs, and we are continuing to spread the Gospel.

Called Together,

Willie and Rochelle

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