

In the journey of life, Jesus has already paved the path for us ensuring we are cradled in His care during every twist and turn. The key is to place our trust and faith in Him, remembering that He has already triumphed over worldly struggles. This trust is often expressed in heartfelt hymns, those that sing of our hope anchored in Jesus’ selfless sacrifice and unwavering righteousness. Instead of relying on fleeting pleasures, we find strength in leaning on His name.

Even in stormy times, we can find solace in Jesus who gives us the gift of peace. This peace, so tender and precious, is a divine gift from Him, one we should hold onto tightly. John 16:33 (ESV) echoes this sentiment, with Jesus comforting us that despite the storms we brave in this life, we can find peace in Him because He has already overcome the world. Let us take heart and trust in Jesus, for He has already conquered any adversity we might face.


We Love You

Pastors Willie and Rochelle McIntosh

On Mission Every Day. Join us

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