
Mothers day

Our mothers demonstrate an unwavering love for us that doesn’t seek anything in return, a love that’s boundless, unconditional, and never-ending. Scriptures, specifically Exodus 20:12 NKJV, instruct us to show deep respect and honor towards our mothers.

An example of such respect is shown by Jesus Christ Himself. Even in His final moments on the cross, He ensured His mother, Mary, was cared for. He assigned His most loyal disciple the task of caring for her, with the words, “Here is your mother.” John 19:27

As we prepare for Mother’s Day, our hearts are full of gratitude for these incredible women we call mothers. This special day provides us with an opportunity to return their love, to shower them with affection and to express our sincere gratitude. We wish you a blessed day filled with love, joy and laughter.


Happy Mothers’ Day

From the HeartVision Church Team 

Pastors Willie and Rochelle McIntosh


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