Meet The Awardees of The Elder Helen M. McNeil Scholarship

Meet The Awardees of The Elder Helen M. McNeil Scholarship

We’re excited to share some fantastic news with you! Your incredible generosity has made a significant impact on The Elder Helen M. McNeil Scholarship Fund and because of it, this year, we were able to grant scholarships to three eager, incoming college freshmen. Their bags are packed, and they’ve all begun their academic journeys at, Penn State University and The University of Virginia at Charlottesville.

The 2024 Elder Helen Mc.Neil Scholarship Awardees

Joelle is involved in six national honors societies, volunteers at her church, Mobile Hope, an organization that prioritizes helping the homeless and The Tree of Life, an organization that prioritizes families in need. She will pursue a degree at The University of Virginia, in research to investigate rare diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s and hopes to reshape the perceptions of black female scientists and advance medical understanding. 

Joshua is involved as a Volunteer Coordinator for Special Olympics and volunteers at his church, The Virginia Department of Historic Resources, INOVA Fairfax, and INROADS Leadership Program. He will pursue a degree at The University of Virginia, in medicine and plans to tackle systematic medical disparities by considering multidisciplinary perspectives and incorporating successful solutions.

 Miko is involved as a volunteer with Chosen 300 Ministry that feeds the homeless, mentoring younger youth in Basketball Clinics at local Recreation Centers and Tutors lower Class-men and some peer athletes. He will pursue a degree at Penn State University in Environmental Engineering and wants to not only tackle the world issue of accessing safe consumable drinking water but also give back by returning to his middle school, to mentor, and show the children that “We’re All The Change We Need.”

We’re overjoyed and consider it a great privilege be supporting these deserving students in their educational pursuits. We pray for, and extend our best wishes to them and their fellow students. We’re just as excited as they are for their journey ahead and can’t wait to hear about their future academic achievements.


God bless you

Pastors Willie and Rochelle McIntosh

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