Labor Day and the Finished Work of Jesus on the Cross

Labor Day is the day we celebrate the contributions of workers that have contributed to the strength and prosperity of this country. We take pride in our labor. We find the Bible application for our Labor Day celebration in the book of Leviticus 1:1-17. In this passage, we see the labor of the priests in performing the sacrifice in the temple.

When we read the first of chapter of Leviticus, there is an incredible amount of detail about how God wants the sacrifice. But given the amazing amount of details, we have to imagine that the priests would become weary of seeing all of the blood.

So when Jesus came on the scene, the priests should have been the first to recognize the true freedom of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Today, we find value in our work, and in our roles. But sometimes we lose ourselves in our work, and we think that the work is our goal. But our goal is always Jesus. Jesus gives us our value.

We have to be careful that we don’t lose ourselves in what we are doing to the extent that we are missing what God is doing. This how we find ourselves settling for less than God’s best.

I am a very fortunate man. I married a beautiful, strong woman who does not let me settle for comfort zone. Because she knows me, and she knows I like to get lost in doing.

In some respects, my wife is reflecting what Jesus is doing in our lives. God wants us to always reflect on Jesus and His finished work on the cross. Jesus is where we find our purpose for our work and our lives.

Have a beautiful and safe Labor Day. We love you.

Pastors Willie and Rochelle

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