In Times Like These – We Have a Comforter

In Times Like These - We Have a Comforter

As many of you know, we have been through medical blessings and challenges lately. Throughout, we have had the opportunity to see God work in a miraculous way in our lives and the lives of our family. Thank you all for your prayers and support. 

We have also had time to reflect on God’s goodness, while observing what is going on in the world around us. The world is hurting. People are hurting. But no matter the circumstances, we do not have to go through our problems alone. Jesus told us that we will have a Comforter.  That Comforter is the Holy Spirit.  John 14:16 (KJV) “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever”

God has promised to be right there beside us “forever”. That means He is always going to be there. In hard times, we rely on the Holy Spirit for comfort, and in good times, the Holy Spirit inspires us to praise God.

If you need a praise break right now, you can join in with this classic hymn: “Call Him Up”. This medley was recorded at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. This video is just a little taste of Heaven. What you will see in this video is people from all backgrounds and colors joining together to worship God!

Thank you for your love and support,

Willie and Rochelle McIntosh,

Pastors, HeartVision Church


Video Note. The medley of songs consists of: 

  • Call Him Up – Keith Pringle and the Pentecostal Community Choir
  • Are You Ready – Trinity All Nations Choir 
  • Pass Me Not – Douglas Miller 
  • All In His Hands – Dr. Charles G. Hayes and the Cosmopolitan Church Choir
  • Call Him Up – Keith Pringle and the Pentecostal Community Choir (Finish with the ending of the song)



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  • Write a comment, join us on social media or zoom meeting on Sunday at 6pm ET (day subject to change).
  • Do you need Prayer? Have questions? We can be reached at [email protected]

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