How Do We Affect Change?

how do we affect change

How do we affect change in other’s lives? Here is a simple example of how we can affect change in the world. A few days ago, I was walking in my neighborhood, and I saw a cardboard box lid. I decided that since this box lid was on the ground in my neighborhood, I needed to pick it up and throw it away. I want my neighborhood to be safe and clean. Immediately after I picked up the box lid, I saw a pile of popcorn that someone had spilled on the ground. So, I walked over to the popcorn with my box lid, and I used the box lid to scoop up the popcorn and throw it away. God had provided me with the tools to affect this small change in my neighborhood. 

A more impactful example of affecting change can be found in the book of Psalms. King David wrote in Psalms 23:1 (NIV) “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.” The well-known Bible teacher, Dr. J. Vernon McGee, describes King David as “Beaten, battered, baffled, and bludgeoned” when this Psalm was written. At this point in time, King David was not the young man who had confronted Goliath, he was an older King who had learned how to depend on God through the “Up’s and Down’s” of life. 

The experiences of King David led him to write to God in a very personal way. David called the Lord “my Shepherd”, and later in the Psalm, he expresses his perfect trust in God’s direction by stating “you are with me, your rod and your staff, they comfort me”.  As Dr. McGee points out for the modern reader, a shepherd used the “rod” to protect the sheep, and the “staff” to guide the sheep. It is God’s protection and direction that became David’s inspiration to write the Psalms in a way that would bless all of us through the generations. 

Think about how you can affect daily change. Our prayer is that your blessings from God, and your experiences that God has given you will become your means to affect change in your lives and in the lives of God’s people throughout the world.

Thank you again for letting us be a part of another chapter in your great journey.


We Love you

Pastors Willie and Rochelle McIntosh

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