Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving 2020 is different for many of us. We will be celebrating during a worldwide pandemic. We will miss being with our loved ones who can not travel and others who have gone home to be with our Lord. It is a happy time and a time of grief.

Today we want to send a message of hope to the HeartVision Family. Know that Jesus is with you. His Holy Spirit was sent to give us comfort. And, best of all even though the world has changed the scriptures tell us that Jesus is the same. As you eat a blessed meal, watch football and reminisce on Thanksgivings past, allow Jesus to fill any voids that may come your way.

He does not need to worry about Covid-19 and He is always with us. Hold on to God’s unchanging hand. “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good His faithful love endures forever.” Psalms 107:1 NLT “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Hebrews 13:8 NLT


Pastors Willie and Rochelle, the HeartVision Team Brenda, Wayne and the HeartVision Church Family from around the World wish you

a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving Day🙏


We Love you

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