Today we remember Elder Helen M. McNeil on what would be her 91st birthday! As we continue to honor her legacy, we are excited to announce that we are awarding two scholarships this year. If you know any high school senior/s that qualify please encourage them to apply using either the the link or QR Code below. Also in order to enable us to continue to award more scholarships we are asking you to consider donating to the education Fund.

Elder McNeil was a mother, home school teacher, Assistant Pastor, seamstress, Bible school teacher, mentor, and friend who loved God, and loved education. She was a cofounder of Mt. Ebenezer United Holy Church in Lambertville, NJ. She loved to teach, and had a passion for life long learning.
We honor her legacy of Educational excellence through the Elder Helen McNeil Education Fund which provides scholarships to those in need, to ensure that they obtain educational resources.
We Love You
Pastors Willie and Rochelle McIntosh
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