Don’t Look at the Wind

6 years ago on March 12th, 2012 we posted this blog and the words then are still so relevant today with everything going on. Scripture Reference:  Matthew 14:22-33

Several months ago while studying the New Testament, I read these words, “But seeing the wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, Lord save me!(Matthew 14:30 NASB).” A message had been repeating in my soul daily, don’t look at “the wind”. I’ve come to realize that many things can be called “the wind.”

In recent months, certainly in my lifetime, we’ve had to live through illnesses, loved ones death and dying, and the simple situations of life that can pull you down. Watching the hardships of trying just to make ends meet, and the worries over jobs, and daily survival. The natural disasters we are dealing with all over the world. People are suffering. All of these trials are “the wind.” To look at any one of these things is enough to sink your faith. But the message pouring from my spirit, the message Jesus has spoken to me is, don’t look at ”the wind.“ There’ll be times when your life seems to be going in the opposite direction than you had dreamed, when everything seems boisterous, wild and stormy; your trials are heart wrenching and long. Don’t look at “the wind”, Matthew 14:22-33 Peter had the faith to step out of the boat and walk on water toward Jesus. Who do you know would physically step out of a boat in rough seas to try to walk on water? Even with that level of faith he allowed fear to grip him. Walking with Jesus is a life journey. We often look at the distractions in life, at only what is happening in the moment. Forgetting that Jesus is right here with us to help us through our difficulties.

The wind is going to blow. Trials and tribulations do come. We who believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, and arose from the dead, giving us the right to eternal life, look to him. We can call on Jesus Himself. Psalms 121:1-2(KJV), “I will lift up my eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help, my help cometh from the Lord which made heaven and earth.“ Know that it is His peace that keeps us going, and not the things of this world. We never know what’s going to happen from day to day, but we don’t have to face this life alone. Remember DON’T LOOK AT “THE WIND.” KEEP YOUR EYES ON JESUS! PEACE BE STILL!

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